These are all non-glamberts - ie they don't seem to post reguarly about him. Lots of 15 year olds. Got to admit it was a great show to put him on.
Joni @_JoniSnyder1122
I can only hope Adam Lambert becomes a regular on #PLL I wouldn't mind.. #SoHot #AmazingVoice
Kaylee Bellamy @kayleebellamy
Adam Lambert on PLL was freaking great. Love him!!!
Taylor Gordon @taylorr_Gordon
Adam Lambert on PLL? #whaat #hot 😍
Emma Heck @emmaandthehecks
#IAdmitThat the highlight of PLL was Adam Lambert. Adam fricking Lambert. #lifecomplete
maisie @bieberflirt
why is adam lambert trending omg i used to be so obsessed
maisie @bieberflirt
adam lambert was on PLL omg what ilhsm
shay valentino @shaylavalentino
Am I the only one who thought Adam Lambert looked mega sexy in PLL tonight
Rachel Burns @rachelrampagexd
Oh my goodness Adam Lambert is sexy. Sorry, but its true.
Taylor -Unafilliated @geeklytay
"@iyeshalovette: Adam Lambert makes the most attractive vampire. #Atrain #PLL" ahhh i had a feeling it was him. Hes spectacular
Taylor -Unafilliated @geeklytay
Who's the band on the #ATrain??? Theyre tight!
Jam (Jamie Mueller) @outthisjam
Pll episode got me listening to adam lambert. <3
Wild.Heart ♥ @dolce_29
Omg Adam Lambert in #PLL i wanna go to there Halloween party :"""""(!!!
Luanna Kwok @luannabombshell
@halfwaytokim I pissed my pants watching the teaser. And Adam lambert was in it too? He's fucking hot.
Kyle Seneca @senecak
Adam Lambert is proof that gays don't choose to be gay since he can bang any woman he wants yet he prefers to suck dicks.
♡ @thestoryofalex
Stephanie. @stephanieos6
when you think Adam Lambert couldn't get any sexier.. BAMM!! @imarleneking dress him as a vampire, and you sir @keeganallen hot much?
Emma @emmakathleen425
@florencemonster lol I heard like 10 seconds of an Adam lambert song was like okay downloading this
Jasmine Diaz @deadlover123001
Adam Lambert On Pretty Little Liars<3 So Unexpected, This show gets better and better.
Karla Araracap @kybararacap
Is that Adam Lambert or something... Is that his name?
ChloeChummer @chloewinston
Most heart stopping episode of PLL ever. Especially vamp Adam Lambert!! #Atrain #PLL
I loved #PLL tonight!!! And Adam Lambert was super hot as a vampire.... #justsayin lol!
Paige ⚓ Karter @paijeypoohxx
Adam Lambert is a beautiful creature and I want to be his best friend
KT ♋ @katieestokerr
Adam lambert on pretty little liar, omg get tthis is perfection
Erica Adame @ericaadamee
Why can't Adam lambert be the newest Edward Vampire in twilight.. I will never understand.. #beautimous
Kamalani Willis @laniigirl
HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT. that's. Adam, Lambert... Licking his lips? that's hotttt #PLLHalloweenSpecial