Buble used a noticeable amount of autotune on this song to try to get some more radio play.
I just got back from spring break week (dealing with my newly diagnosed dementia mother--not a happy break at all). But I have caught up with Atop, which was a much needed relief from personal stress.
So many things have happened in Adam world, but off the top of my head, I do want to congratulate
LADYMASERATI, on your ever-improving English. Good lord, Lady, you are expressing beautiful thoughts with grace and clarity.
I'm confused about comments yesterday about the CMA backing tracks. Are people thinking that the musicians on stage are actually playing for the performance? I'm pretty sure they are just miming. At one point in a rehearsal video all the music except for Adam's singing shuts off abruptly. Or were Atoppers (
Cassie, et al) wondering if the instrumentalists were actually faking the right chords, etc.?
I had a few moments of enjoyment on my trip in that my brother (a guitarist and life-long gigger) has liked the Adam CDs and QAL video that I've sent him. I showed him a few more videos that I had on my computer (no internet at Mom's house) and he asked me to send some more his way. I'll enjoy that project. My brother has probably more eclectic taste in music than Adam--rock, pop, techno, classical, old, new, Katie Perry(???). Lady Gaga (likes her talent, not the music). Selena Gomez leaves him cold (he's funny). He is a 59-yr-old serious musician. He thinks Adam is a riot.
Now off to catch up with the rest of my life before going back to school Monday. (I have so much school work to do--depressing). By the way, since we have a lot of teachers on Atop, you (and anyone else) should watch the documentary "American Teacher."
www.theteachersalaryproject.org/Other topic: Did you hear that the Boy Scouts of America propose a change to their "gay ban." Gay boys could be members but gay adults could not be troop leaders, etc. I guess that's because once the gay boys turn 18, they become pedophiles.