Has this video been here already? Loosing track, sorry. BR in Edmonton. Shows the back and forth between Adam and Freddie splendidly.
Which brings me to a follow-up question:
Do we actually know who updates the video master spreadsheet? The person seems to really stay on top of things and there are tabs for every concert now and I love the format. Gives you a very quick overview over what is out there for every concert:
Aww....look at Brian...hair flying and guitar exploding into another stratosphere!
mossygreenleo @josirose 37m ❤️ RT @ladistardust “@lambertglowbug1 @drbrianmay Look at you! I think you are having waaaay too much fun pic.twitter.com/YgruK4ieEm” Love this!
Adam Lambert...the modern edgy artist with an old rock soul.
If flying to Atlantic City - what is the recommended airport to fly into. Are there any airlines that would be recommended based on experiences. I am liking the idea of going in on a house. Plans for attending Forum show are starting to look a bit dim due to some family stuff happening.
We are doing Spirit Airlines from Atlanta directly to Atlantic City Airport, which is really close by. Hotels are a little steep at that time, so shop around.
Has this video been here already? Loosing track, sorry. BR in Edmonton. Shows the back and forth between Adam and Freddie splendidly.
Which brings me to a follow-up question:
Do we actually know who updates the video master spreadsheet? The person seems to really stay on top of things and there are tabs for every concert now and I love the format. Gives you a very quick overview over what is out there for every concert:
Would it be possible to add this link to the video section in the various concert threads, please?
Not finished with thread ye but I put it on Page 1 of Chicago when I did the recap. I will add it again when I do my next recap. Q3 is handling Canada
I decided to wait until the weekend to finish up Canada page 1's because the videos are just showing up.
But there are more videos from Chicago than from all of Canada. I have over 300 Chicago videos on my list now. No chance I will watch them all ---- tonight!
"Now there’s an audience for me being exactly who I am. There’s permission given.” Adam Lambert
OH! MY GOSH! I got the angry bear and was kicked off the site! Yikes! Did that happen to anybody else?! I was all, "This can't happen on a concert night!" LOL!
Yes. Angry Bear kicked me off for quite awhile.
Seeing as how teddybear abandoned us, I'll use his gifs for proboards angry bear.