NoAngel: Thanks for another thought provoking post. To me, there is a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Someone who is arrogant has an inflated sense of their own abilities or worth. And a deflated opinion of anyone else. They think that their job, their position, their wealth, the station in life, make them better and more important than others. They expect the respect and admiration of others, but show no respect FOR others, unless the others can do something to elevate them.
Confidence is knowing one's capabilities, talents, and expertise, and trusting in them. It does nothing to diminish anyone else. It does not judge anyone else.
I am puzzled when confidence is criticized. If I have worked very hard at something, devoted my energy, time and passion to become the best that I can be at it, should I not be confident in my ability? If I have no confidence, no trust in myself, then, why am I bothering to do what I am doing? If I really think that I am not good at something after all that hard work, then, I should focus on doing something else that I can become good at.
Studies have shown that a person has to reach a certain level of competence before they can judge their own competence or the competence of others. This is particularly true in areas where there is not an objective, quantitative measure of success. (like how many strikeouts one pitches, or the speed one's fast ball is clocked,) Areas like language, art, and even in one study, telling a joke. Those individuals with the least amount of competence in an area of knowledge often judge themselves to be much better than they are. Perhaps that is where arrogance comes from? Those who test in the highest levels of competence, if anything, underestimate their competence in comparison to others. They can recognize when others are doing well, and don't elevate themselves above other achievers.
Adam has a very high level of competence in singing and performing. That allows him to recognize others who perform well without having to compare himself to them. It also allows him to seek out and learn from competent others, to expand his own skill set. He has confidence in his abilities based on his competence, and on years of experience and feedback.
It is therefore, entirely possible that those who know little or nothing about voice production, the music industry, and the art of performing aren't competent to recognize Adam's competence. They may lack the competence to recognize how very good Adam is. Therefore, his confidence may come off as arrogance, particularly on a show like American Idol.
Yes, Adam is confident. He should be. If he wasn't confident in his ability after all the hard work he has invested in it, he would be a fool. And, we know our BB is no fool. I have never seen any sign of arrogance in Adam. He displays no signs of entitlement, no disdain for others, no cockiness. Isn't that one of the reasons we love him so?
ETA: For those interested in the studies I mentioned, you can read the report, "Unskilled and Unaware of It" here: good info for teachers! Here is a quick summary: