I honestly hope there is no love interest development for Elliot..Adam has a handful of episodes and I'd like Glee to
explore another avenue. There are enough love interests on that show already IMO. Demi will be leaving one
already. Too predictable.
How's about a cast member of 'Funny Girl' has to leave and Elliot gets the part? He could have some screen time
with Lea and piss Kurt off royally, which would give Kurt ample time to fulfill his 'nemesillyness', kick Elliot out of
the band and Elliot/Starchild leaves, stage left onto the Broadway spotlight. Kurt further provoking his bandmates.
And more punch in the NYC storyline during and after Elliot is gone. Could be wild. Kurt and Starchild going
at each other..I'm writing the screenplay now..
My blatherings since I don't usually fall down this particular rabbit hole..