The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 11h Randomly decided to listen to @adamlambert's album #Trespassing on the way home today. Btw, #StillSlays. #PopGospel
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 11h Ugh, Underneath! #Trespassing #StillSlays #PopGospel #ThingsThatArePerfect #TooManyFeels
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 11h #PopGospelTruths: Sad, b/c every song is better, but in a Post-#BlurredLines world, #Trespassing may have had greater commercial success.
Kate @nolechica 11h @thepopmessiah Post-Get Lucky too
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 11h @nolechica Yeah, exactly! Just w. Pharell started getting hot again. Funky, sexy vibe. It's so much more than that, but those'd be hits.
Kate @nolechica 11h @thepopmessiah I really want to know what radio would do with Shady now.
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 11h @nolechica Ugh.. Shady is so perfect! It deserved to be a single. Cuckoo, too!
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 10h Totally an album that was just a bit too ahead of its time... ?
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 10h I don't know what's come over me.. it must just be #Maypril.
Alysha @voodoo_Fever 10h @thepopmessiah Have you heard the international bonus tracks By The Rules and Map? The former is one of my faves. Map is cute as well.
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 10h @voodoo_Fever I have, but I never got in to the habit of listening to them. I should remedy that!
Alysha @voodoo_Fever 10h @thepopmessiah And hopefully his next album does better commercially. Max Martin might help with that. I trust it'll be good regardless!
The Pop Messiah @thepopmessiah 10h @voodoo_Fever True dat! Commercial success isn't everything, but I want people to get the chance to see how great he is.