OK, the audio and the 480p video downloaded from the Cologne full show YouTube by Arie Uijtterlinde has uploaded to my Mega account. The 720p video will be done about 5:30 pm est.
I put the audio & video in separate subfolders. There is both a M4A and MP3 version of the audio. YouTube actually stores the audio as M4A. So the M4A is the best quality, purest (not been re-encoded again) audio from the YouTube video. The MP3 audio was converted from the M4A audio to MP3 by my YouTube downloader and thus is a bit lower in quality and not as pure (it has been re-encoded again). Note that the MP3 file is 191.3 MB which is almost twice the size of the 102.7 MB M4A file.
Also, I added meta-data to both the M4A and MP3 files so that they show up in iTunes and other players with the name of the album, artist, song title, and album art automatically. I used the unofficial QAL Cologne for the album art and included it in the audio folder. You may want to change the name of the audio file to something shorter before you import it to iTunes or put on a smartphone. Changing the file name will not change the meta-data that is displayed.
I have made inquiries to see if it is possible to get the original audio file straight from the video recording as it came off of the camera. This would produce even better audio. Keeping my fingers crossed that the person is willing to share it.
Here is a link to the folder containing Audio & Video subfolders:
tinyurl.com/hhm52hjHere is a link to just the Audio subfolder:
tinyurl.com/gl63gdoI will post the link to just the Video subfolder after the 720p video finishes uploading. If you download the 480p video now, but sure to get the file that is 887.0 MB in size.
Now, to go walk my male cat before he has an even bigger fit!