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new Sauli interview via arrived to Finland Sauli Koskinen gave for a rare interview on today (25.5), YLE theme to see the direct screening program in 2012 . Included was an interview with the program's second presenter, radio personality Anni Hautala .
- This is a first for both of us a big deal. We draw a straight one and a half-hour television program closely together, Hautala says.
Koskinen is the same line.
- Of course, this opportunity is one in which I have long dreamed of. It is considered, then the doors of which it may then open. I have a lot more planned, but I do not want to talk about even more, he says mysteriously.
Presenters also show pondered, why they were elected to bow to images of the program.
- YLE towards us, in no way self-applied for the program. Now I understand, however, why we were elected, Koskinen, grinning.
- Awesome, we saw that the YLE to be compatible. We're both really down to earth types, and we both have heard that a good style. We did not really have a fashionistoja, but wannabe though, Hautala continues.
Although neither of Hosts confess to an ordinary fashion pioneer, they still are paying close attention to dressing.
- Fashion is certainly important to me, but I do not think so either Kyle on all brands and designers do not know. Yes, I always kotoota leaving, I think what I put on top. In Finland, I've been a bit more common, but I dare Losissa more räväyttää, Koskinen reveals.
Raccoons running in the yard
Show the 2012 program is not the only reason why the United States currently living in Los Angeles, Koskinen, will visit Finland.
- Yes, I had to come anyway, so the TV broadcast itself was not difficult to fit schedules. Mullahan is here a lot of friends and family, so they are now the same Agent.
- Of course it always needs to be the place where a whole life spent. But even now, when I have been here a couple of days, so feel that I would have been gone at all.
There are also advantages in his opinion, the United States. The man has previously told the blog that his Yankee yard of her home, running around, sometimes raccoons.
- Yes, I like animals, but if they were to leave me alone between. Finland is due to its nice to come here that do not have to, at least not afraid of raccoons, snakes or spiders.
Koskinen does not yet know when he will return back to the United States. However, he has already planned how his time in Finland is planning to use.
- I would like to go somewhere at the cottage, swim in the lake and a few grillailla with a friend, and lead a carefree life of a summer idyll of Finnish life.
Model A Dangerous Fashion Journal
Juontopestin In addition, he has begun in the near future on display in the media for the other due to a work project. Fault-called international fashion magazine published in June seven-page fashion photos Koski, the decisive vote.
- My friend the photographer took pictures Losissa. Then I got the magazine, and after all it was a big deal. I was really happy pictures, and I look forward to myself, that the Journal should be in the public.
Koskinen is an enigmatic way to tell right now, will continue his career as a model potential of another magazine.
- I do not consider myself in any way as a model, but if the images, deliver something, I am more than happy.
Sauli Koskinen , Sauli Koskinen , Adam Lambert
Johanna Yrjölä
johanna.yrjola @
Photos: Press image