To all comcast Atop users, yesterday I contacted their customer service about broadcasting the Queen & Adam & the Elton John Kiev concert. This is the response I got today:
"Dear xxx,
My name is xxx and I want to thank you for sending in an e-mail to
the office of Rick Germano, Senior Vice President of Customer
Operations. I understand that you have a program request for a certain
Elton John Aids benefit concert offering. I can certainly understand how
you would want programming that reflects your personal music chooices.
So, xxxx, I will personally respond right away to your inquiry
about this music offering with every resource available to me. I will
also place the Elton John Concert channel on our priority market
research track immediately.
During my research, all my resources indicated there have not enough
Comcast user requests for that Elton John Aids benefit concert at this
time. For your best case scenario, have every one you know that might
want this concert to e-mail for access. While we cannot honor every
request, we do take your interests into consideration in planning future
changes to the Comcast offerings.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call us
at 1-800-Comcast (1-800-266-2278)
If there are other comcast users here that would like to see the concert on TV please send an e-mail or phone request to comcast