Hmm wonder what he means by that?? :-/ Read from bottom..
Gerrick Kennedy is a music writer for the LA Times
Jake Slane @slanejake
@gerrickkennedy we see ALL the good stuff. If people only knew!
Gerrick D. Kennedy @gerrickkennedy
@slanejake you would die at my timeline with people calling someone a saint. Our eyes have confirmed otherwise. Laughing at the stans.
Bootsy Bootsy @ladybrinehart
@gerrickkennedy Please don't think all Adam fans are so ignorant and rude. Lol we have a few overly defensive fans though. ^^;
Retweeted by Gerrick D. Kennedy
Gerrick D. Kennedy @gerrickkennedy
@silliegirl Sigh, compared to "hiphop/rappers." I can't. I won't. I refuse.
Gerrick D. Kennedy @gerrickkennedy
@ziamp @dreamerzwings @_shell_bells Ohhhh I'm going to behave and not spill
Ziam Ziam @ziamp
@gerrickkennedy No... but do read blogs... to what are you referring?
Gerrick D. Kennedy @gerrickkennedy
@ziamp Hardly goes out? You definitely must not live in LA.
Ziam @ziamp
@gerrickkennedy What "messy Hollyweird antics" r u referring 2? The guy hardly goes out except to eat or work...
Shellie Shellie @_shell_bells
@gerrickkennedy *cough, cough* Messy Hollyweird antics you say?
Gerrick D. Kennedy @gerrickkennedy
@lndsygblr @andreharrisonjr Its a very good album.
And I'm the first to shade @adamlambert given his messy Hollyweird antics.Lindsay Gabler @lndsygblr
@gerrickkennedy Normally not a big fan, but very interested to hear it - especially
because of the producers he worked with
Andre Harrison Jr. @andreharrisonjr
Did he? @gerrickkennedy @adamlambert
Gerrick D. Kennedy @gerrickkennedy
I'll admit it. @adamlambert killed this new album.
ETA Mods- feel free to delete.. wasn't sure about posting this.