Here is a translation of the webpage article that was mentioned here on page 3: scuffle between Adam and Sauli: The police have stopped investigations also on Sofia’s and Niko’s part
Niko Nousiainen and Sofia Ruusila, who went to calm down the quarrel between the lovers, had no claims towards the fighters.
Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen, who gained worldwide attention with their fight, have been the top news in the entertainment world on Thursday. The lover’s quarrel exceeded the news threshold all over the world, but it ended up being just a tempest in a teapot.
On Thursday, there was also buzz about Adam and Sauli attacking Sofia Ruusila and Niko Nousiainen, who tried to intercede in the fight, but it turned out to be just a case of a molehill turned into a mountain.
Already on Thursday, Niko told Entertainment news that the whole thing had been over exaggerated, and that he and Sofia had no claims towards Sauli and Adam. They had to go in for the interrogations on Thursday afternoon, since this is requested by the law.
The leader of investigations, Petri Juvonen told on Friday to Entertainment News that also the investigation regarding the minor batteries of Niko Nousiainen and Sofia Ruusila has been stopped.
- They have no claims for penalties, since there were no signs of battery. This is why the preliminary investigation was stopped also on their part. This was such a minor crime that there was no sense in continuing the investigation, Juvonen tells.
Already earlier Juvonen had told the MTV3 News that yesterday was one of the busiest days of his career. The leader of investigations chuckled and told the Entertainment News on Friday that he hasn’t gotten any more familiar with the music of the world famous star after the fuss.
- I think my daughter used to watch the episodes of the American Idol where Lambert was attending. She sure knew, who this world star was. I myself do not know about Lambert’s music, Juvonen chuckles.