Not sure if I'll even post this. Because I really don't have anything new to say.
It's been an interesting day here. And I've seen lots and lots of days here.
I have no issue with talk of AFL's hair, Melvin, style, piercings . . . I just love to see what is new in him, on him, around him. If he's up to something, he has a very intelligent mom and dad who'll give their two cents - and that'll be all he needs (and maybe more).
What are we here? A fandom? a fan club? Until Planet Fierce and Adamtopia, I never went to a 'site' before; and to this day I'm not sure what I should be called, as a participant.
By whatever name we choose, I think we're pretty grounded. We know we don't 'know' Adam. I count myself among the many who know more about this man (who couldn't call me by name) than I know about many of my close friends.
This place is a wonderful, contemplative, imaginative fantasy about reality. He is real; our feelings are real; but the reality of our connection is, in every way, speculative and full of imagery. So what if we criticize his facial hair? So what if we are concerned about his nose piercing? So what if his haircut is too short on the sides? So what if we like/don't like the suit, the shoes, the tatt, the tie??
It doesn't matter! We can opinionate until the cows come home and it will have filled an hour, a day - - but, really, we are not going to change a thing in this man's life. That, alone, should allow anyone here to critique every aspect of this PUBLIC FIGURE at any time.
If it doesn't suit me, I scroll.
There are days where the cup seems half-full. There are days when this site screams with joy and overflows with glee. There are days of angst over Adam's future, and days of angst over finding the ticket to a sold-out performance.
We are as unique and unfulfilled as anyone in the grocery line. We are as unique and amazingly fulfilled as other Adamtopians who have discovered and been forever changed by the voice, the persona, the alien from Planet Fierce.
I want everyone who comes here to be unafraid - just as Adam is unafraid. Post what you will. A voice, a listener, will hear you.
We will disagree. Sometimes the lack of response - good or bad - will hurt as much as the disagreement.
But we do connect.
If we are fortunate enough to meet, that slim connection will forge the bond. Believing in Adam and his excellence sows a seed of belief in ourselves and in our Universe. We don't need to agree. We need to have the courage to say how we feel. Believe in how we feel; and learn from others. Simple as that.